Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Little Less Traditional...

So, I know that it seems a tad bit odd that any woman with a family would not fit into the traditional Better Homes and Gardens idea for a holiday home, but I am convinced I am not the only one! I may like crafting, I may enjoy opening and gifting as many Christmas presents as possible. I enjoy the heck out of gathering for the holidays and seeing my family and laughing with them until someone pukes (two holidays now, I'm serious, this has happened!). I definitely love the food... Until the aforementioned happens, anyway. I try to eat quickly, haha!

Anyway, this year I managed to shed a little bit of my "bah, humbug" and actually appreciated putting up decorations, including a tree, and didn't feel as grumpy about it as I had expected. In fact, I believe I was more grumpy about the fact that something had changed in me, making me less grumpy! I even put together my own little Ugly Christmas Sweater party, and made delicious treats for it. I would say I have gained a large deal of Christmas spirit this year as compared the the few years past...

One thing I have undeniably maintained a strong dislike for, though, is Christmas music. Don't get me wrong, I hate it much less than I did when I worked retail during the holidays and heard it all day every day, but I certainly do not prefer it, even still. So, two years ago I decided to hunt down some less than traditional Christmas tunes. I figured it would help me celebrate the holidays without listening to "O' Christmas Tree" or "Silent Night" several times a day, by several different artists. Some of the results were completely vulgar and disgusting, and some only slightly so, and some not at all. Obviously I had much more preference for those that were of the latter groups. A little touch of inappropriate is much more delightful for the occasion than a completely distasteful tune at Christmas time.

So, without further ado, my favorites!

Lady Gaga - Christmas Tree

Simple Plan - My Christmas List

The Ready Set - Wishlist

Tenacious D & Sum 41 - Christmas Song

Weezer - The Christmas Song

All of these have a bit of a different flavor from the others, but I like a variety of stuff. That variety doesn't include most traditional holiday songs! Haha. Hope you all enjoy, and I hope I helped a few of you who aren't into the typical Christmas music!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Holiday Spirit!

So, last year I was so "bah-humbug!" that I didn't even put up a tree or anything of the sort. We had just had our twins in August, and my step children would be at their moms the week leading into Christmas and when we got them the day after Christmas, we spent our week in Spokane. I just didn't have the patience for such little reason. I knew I'd procrastinate taking it down, too. A few years prior I had put up a Christmas tree and (beauty of fake trees...) left it up until well into March when I moved out of the house I was in and was obviously forced to put some effort into packing the ornaments and branches back up. And yes, I do fake trees... What do you want from me??

You'd think someone as excited about crafts as myself would be all about the holidays, but really, I am a slow-going and very deliberate but also very paced crafter. In other words, if you had asked me last year to sew a valance for the Christmas season in November, you'd be lucky to get it for this Christmas. That's why I find it surprising that I cleaned my house, organized a Christmas party for this weekend, put up a tree, spent additional money on decor and new ornaments, and dare I even tell you... I actually did sew a valance for the season, and I did it in just a few hours time (rather than a very comfortable 13 months' time!) this evening.

Forgive me, but I couldn't help but share!

If I'm feeling rather ambitious, I may take some better quality pictures later this week and post. I am smack in the middle of finals week in my very first term of college, and I should focus maybe just a bit more attention to the Math final I have this Friday... Wish me luck!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ohhh, busy busy! I've been going to school full-time since late September - talk about a lot of work! I haven't been in school since I graduated High School in 2005, and let's face it, I didn't really do any work back then anyway. This term has been kicking my back end!

Winter break is approaching - three finals and I'm there! I've just revealed a few new designs of booties on my Etsy shop! they've had positive responses so far from friends and fans, so hopefully they'll be a success!

I did a booth in our small mall here in town a month or so ago. It wasn't very busy, because our town is pretty quiet and our mall is pretty lackluster, but it was a fun experience. I wouldn't be against doing it again someday. I really enjoyed the opportunity to feel like I really had my own business. When I sell online, I feel like everyone does it these days and it's not really having my own business, because all I'm doing is listing my stuff, right? Well, that's my negative Nancy getting the best of me, I suppose, but it felt pretty legit when I had a booth in the mall! If only I could produce enough product to run an actual store, that would be so exciting!

In other news, my ever so talented husband won a karaoke contest tonight! Whatta man! :)