Thursday, March 24, 2011

March Mommy Baby Day

Once a month a friend of mine gets all of her mommy friends and their kids together as a sort of play date for the kiddos and an adult social life for us mommies - many of us who spend several hours a day with little more interaction than "GAAAA! Eeeee. Uguh!" and a few gurgles here and there. Most times they have a craft (geared more towards the moms) and snacks, and the kids just run around with each other.
My bonus-son, Chapin - flirting with his friend, Faith.
I have only actually attended a few of these gatherings, as lugging twinfants around can be quite a chore - and seeing as how it's Mommy Baby Day, Ben doesn't get to come which leaves me without a second set of hands that seem so necessary with tiny twins. Now that they are 7 and a half months old, it is a little more feasible to do outings with them so I am hoping to attend on a regular basis.

Today was a lot of fun, because we have Ben's older two children for the second half of Spring Break. I manned the minivan and packed both babies and my 3 year old bonus son to Mommy Baby Day, which gave hubby and my 8 year old bonus daughter some quality time together. They went and saw a movie together, and the three youngsters and I went and exercised what seems sometimes to be a complete lack in social skills. I had a great time, and while the babies got crabby after a while, Chapin really enjoyed the opportunity to play with some kids his age. Everyone made tutus but me - c'mon, I have two babies! Does anyone believe that I, in a group of toddlers with two 7 month olds, had two hands to make a tutu? Definitely not! But I go for the community more than the crafts and snacks... Except the summer sausage - that's a must!

1 comment:

  1. hey to make u feel better i didnt get to make marilyns tutu with her neither, I made linz tutu the girl I baby sits but glad u made it:-) was nice to see u and your lil kiddos:-)
